/** * Indicates the maximum width for a line of text before it is wrapped to multiple lines. If null, * the text will not be wrapped. * @property lineWidth * @type Number **/ this.lineWidth = null; /** * hanyeah添加 * 指定最大高度,如果autoSize设置为true时,文本高度将不会大于这个值。 * @type Number */ this.maxHeight=Infinity; /** * hanyeah添加 * 当高度大于指定的高度时,是否自动调整尺寸。 * @type Boolean */ this.autoSize=true;
/** * Draws multiline text. * @method _drawText * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx * @param {Object} o * @param {Array} lines * @return {Object} * @protected **/ p._drawText = function(ctx, o, lines) { var paint = !!ctx; if (!paint) { ctx = Text._workingContext;; this._prepContext(ctx); } var lineHeight = this.lineHeight||this.getMeasuredLineHeight(); var maxW = 0, count = 0; var hardLines = String(this.text).split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/); for (var i=0, l=hardLines.length; i<l; i++) { var str = hardLines[i]; var w = null; if (this.lineWidth != null && (w = ctx.measureText(str).width) > this.lineWidth) { // text wrapping: // hanyeah 实现中文换行 var words0 ; var words ; if((/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+/).test(str)){ //含有中文 words0=str.split(/(\s)/); words=[]; for(var hi=0;hi<words0.length;hi++){ var hs=""; for(var hj=0;hj<words0[hi].length;hj++){ var hjs=words0[hi][hj]; if(hjs.charCodeAt(0)>255){ if(hs!=""){ words.push(hs); } words.push(hjs); hs=""; } else{ hs+=hjs; } } if(hs!=""){ words.push(hs); } } } else{ words = str.split(/(\s)/); } str = words[0]; w = ctx.measureText(str).width; for (var j=1, jl=words.length; j<jl; j+=1) { // Line needs to wrap: var wordW = ctx.measureText(words[j]).width; if (w + wordW > this.lineWidth) { if(this.autoSize||((count+1)*lineHeight<=this.maxHeight)){ if (paint) { this._drawTextLine(ctx, str, count*lineHeight); } } if (lines) { lines.push(str); } if (w > maxW) { maxW = w; } str = words[j]; w = ctx.measureText(str).width; count++; } else { str += words[j]; w += wordW; } } } //end hanyeah 实现中文换行 if(this.autoSize||((count+1)*lineHeight<=this.maxHeight)){ if (paint) { this._drawTextLine(ctx, str, count*lineHeight); } } if (lines) { lines.push(str); } if (o && w == null) { w = ctx.measureText(str).width; } if (w > maxW) { maxW = w; } count++; } if (o) { o.width = maxW; o.height = count*lineHeight; } if (!paint) { ctx.restore(); } return o; };