from xdf import * bgColor = '#CCFF66' box(80, 212, 600, 600, bgColor) line(80, 212 + 200, 80 + 600, 212 + 200, 'black') line(80, 212 + 400, 80 + 600, 212 + 400, 'black') line(80 + 200, 212, 80 + 200, 212 + 600, 'black') line(80 + 400, 212, 80 + 400, 212 + 600, 'black') computerUrl = 'https://code-file.xdf.cn/files/dingdangweb/20230221/1676950106634_618443.png' playerUrl = 'https://code-file.xdf.cn/files/dingdangweb/20230221/1676950106634_788910.png' bubbleUrl = 'https://code-file.xdf.cn/files/dingdangweb/20230221/1676950106634_872903.png' computer = stamp(computerUrl, 384, 150) player = stamp(playerUrl, 384, 900) computerBubble = stamp(bubbleUrl, 250, 120, 130) playerBubble = stamp(bubbleUrl, 280, 900, 130) computerTxt = text(' ', 250, 110, 20, 'black', 'center') heroTxt = text(' ', 280, 890, 20, 'black', 'center') qizi = [] mp = [] for i in range(9): mp.append(0) m = i // 3 n = i % 3 xi = 80 + 100 + n * 200 yi = 212 + 100 + m * 200 a = [ circle(xi, yi, 60, 'blue'), circle(xi, yi, 50, bgColor), line(xi - 50, yi - 50, xi + 50, yi + 50, 'green'), line(xi + 50, yi - 50, xi - 50, yi + 50, 'green') ] qizi.append(a) lines = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 0, 4, 8, 2, 4, 6]; isOver = False difficult = 10 #难度0-10 total = 9 #当前棋盘上空位个数 turn = 1 #轮到谁下,1:player,2:computer overTxt = text('点击任意位置重新开始', 0, 0, 50, 'red', 'center') def computerSay(txt): computerTxt.change(txt) def heroSay(txt): heroTxt.change(txt) def xy2ij(x, y): return [int((y - 212) / 200), int((x - 80) / 200)] def hideQizi(i): a = qizi[i] a[0].hide() a[1].hide() a[2].hide() a[3].hide() def showQizi(i, tp): a = qizi[i] if tp == 1: a[0].show() a[1].show() elif tp == 2: a[2].show() a[3].show() def reStart(): global total, isOver, mp, turn, overTxt total = 9 isOver = False computerSay(' ') heroSay(' ') overTxt.hide() for i in range(9): mp[i] = 0 hideQizi(i) if random(10) < 5: turn = 1 computerSay('你先走吧') else: turn = 2 computerSay('这次我先来') aiTurn() def checkWin(): global total, mp, lines, turn, isOver, overTxt for i in range(8): n0 = i * 3 a0 = mp[lines[n0]] a1 = mp[lines[n0 + 1]] a2 = mp[lines[n0 + 2]] if a0 != 0 and a0 == a1 and a1 == a2: if a0 == 1: computerSay('好吧,算你赢了') heroSay('哈哈,我赢了') else: computerSay('哈哈,我赢了') heroSay('好吧,算你赢了') isOver = True overTxt.show() return True if total == 0: isOver = True overTxt.show() computerSay('你还挺厉害的') heroSay('棋逢对手') return True return False def tap(): global turn, mp, isOver, total if isOver: reStart() return if turn == 1: ij = xy2ij(x, y) i = ij[0] j = ij[1] if i >= 0 and i < 3 and j >= 0 and j < 3: n = i * 3 + j if mp[n] == 0: mp[n] = 1 showQizi(n, 1) turn = 2 computerSay(' ') heroSay('该你了') total = total - 1 if(not checkWin()): aiTurn() def aiGetPos(): n = random(9) - 1 while mp[n] != 0: n = random(9) - 1 return n def aiPlay(): global turn,mp,total, difficult n = aiGetPos() if random(10) <= difficult: n = ai() mp[n] = 2 showQizi(n, 2) turn = 1 computerSay('我放好了') heroSay(' ') total = total - 1 checkWin() def aiTurn(): delay(aiPlay, 1000 + random(1000)) #各种棋形的分数,这个关系到ai的能力 s0 = 0 s1 = 70 #000 s2 = 1000 #002 s3 = 100000 #022 s4 = 80 #001 s5 = 8000 #011 s6 = 1 #012 #每一行或列或斜都由3个位置组成,每个位置可能有3种状态(0:空,1:用户的子,2:ai的子),3个位置共有27种组合方式,下面是各种组合的得分表。 // 000 001 002 010 011 012 020 021 022 #000 001 002 010 011 012 020 021 022 scoreTable = [s1, s4, s2, s4, s5, s6, s2, s6, s3, #100 101 102 110 111 112 120 121 122 s4, s5, s6, s5, s0, s0, s6, s0, s0, #200 201 202 210 200 212 220 221 222 s2, s6, s3, s6, s2, s0, s3, s0, s0 ] # ai策略实现 def ai(): global mp, lines, scoreTable #创建评分表,初始得分全部为0 scores = [] for i in range(9): scores.append(0) #根据当前棋形更新评分表 #总共有8条线,每一条线的棋形必然是scoreTable中的一种,根据所属棋形,为该行中所有非空位置加分。 #比如第一行,坐标是【0,1,2】,如果该行的状态是【叉,圈,叉】(即【2,1,0】),对应scoreTable中的索引为2*9+1*3+0=21,对应的分数为scoreTable[21]=1,则scores[2]+=1(因为0,1位置已经有棋子,所以得分始终为0). for i in range(8): n0 = i * 3 c = mp[lines[n0]] * 9 + mp[lines[n0 + 1]] * 3 + mp[lines[n0 + 2]] for j in range(3): a = lines[n0 + j] if mp[a] == 0: scores[a] = scores[a] + scoreTable[c] #从评分表里取出得分最高的位置,如果有并列最高,随机取 m = 0 s = 0 for i in range(9): if scores[i] > m: s = i m = scores[i] elif scores[i] == m: if random(2) > 1: s = i return s reStart()