import time from xdf import * W = 768 H = 1024 CW = 64 M = int(W / CW) N = int(H / CW) isRunning = False mps = [ [[4,8],[5, 8],[6,8],[7,8]], [[6,6],[6,7],[6,8],[6,9]], [[3,9], [3,8], [4,8], [5,8], [6,8], [7,8], [8,8], [9,8]], [[5,6], [6,6], [6,7], [6,8], [6,9], [6,10], [6,11], [6,12]], [[4,9],[5,9],[5,8],[6,8],[6,7],[7,7]], [[5,10],[5,9],[6,9],[6,8],[7,8],[7,7]], [[2,10],[2,9],[3,9],[4,9],[4,8],[5,8],[6,8],[6,7],[7,7],[8,7]], [[4,4],[5,4],[5,5],[5,6],[6,6],[6,7],[6,8],[7,8],[7,9],[7,10]], [[4,4],[4, 5],[4, 6],[4,7], [4, 8],[5, 8],[6,8],[7,8],[8,8]], [[3,5],[4, 5],[5, 5],[6,5], [7, 5],[7, 6],[7,7],[7,8],[7,9]], ] nums = [3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,6,6] answers = [ "RRR", "DDD", "URT1", "RDT1", "RTU0", "UTR0", "URRT0", "RDDT0", "D十0RT3", "R十0DT3", ] mpId = 0 mp = [] cubes = [] heroPos = [0,0] def ij2xy(i, j): return [i * CW + CW / 2, j * CW + CW / 2] def xy2ij(x, y): return [int(x/CW + 0.5), int(y/CW + 0.5)] baseUrl = "https://code-file.xdf.cn/files/dingdangweb/20230810/" for i in range(M): a = [] cubes.append(a) for j in range(N): xy = ij2xy(i, j) co = '1691645320008_385580.png' if (j & i) % 2 != (j | i) % 2: co = '1691645320015_029791.png' b = stamp(baseUrl + co, xy[0], xy[1]) a.append(b) target = stamp(baseUrl+"1691645320000_235392.png") hero = [ stamp(baseUrl + "1691645320028_632517.png"), stamp(baseUrl + "1691645320013_192993.png"), stamp(baseUrl + "1691645320030_177936.png"), stamp(baseUrl + "1691645320027_277487.png"), stamp(baseUrl + "1691645320026_494298.png"), stamp(baseUrl + "1691645320000_157226.png"), stamp(baseUrl + "1691645320026_731721.png"), stamp(baseUrl + "1691646391107_430018.png"), ] heroId = 0 levelTf = text("第1关", 600, 50, 50, "red") numTf = text("目标指令个数:4", 200, 50, 30, "red") numTf2 = text("输入指令个数:4", 200, 100, 30, "red") answerTf = text("答案:RRR", 200, 150, 30, "red") loseTf = text("失败了,重新输入指令", 50, "red", "center") winTf = text("过关了,进入下一关", 50, "red", "center") runBtn = box(10, 10, 150, 50, '#cccccc', "black") runBtnTf = text("输入指令", 85, 45, 30, "black", "center") ansBtn = box(10, 70, 150, 50, '#cccccc', "black") ansBtnTf = text("答案", 85, 105, 30, "black", "center") def refreshMp(): for i in range(M): for j in range(N): cubes[i][j].hide() for i in range(len(mp)): cubes[mp[i][0]][mp[i][1]].show() def updateHeroPos(t): hxy = ij2xy(heroPos[0],heroPos[1]) for sp in hero: sp.move(hxy[0], hxy[1], t) def updateTargetPos(): global mp n = len(mp) - 1 hxy = ij2xy(mp[n][0], mp[n][1]) target.move(hxy[0], hxy[1]) def reset(): global heroPos, mp, mps, mpId,isRunning isRunning = False if mpId >= len(mps): mpId = 0 levelTf.change("第"+str(mpId + 1)+"关") numTf.change("目标指令个数:" + str(nums[mpId])) numTf2.change("输入指令个数:0") answerTf.change("答案:" + answers[mpId]) answerTf.hide() mp = mps[mpId] loseTf.hide() winTf.hide() heroPos = [mp[0][0], mp[0][1]] refreshMp() updateHeroPos(0) updateTargetPos() stand() def stand(): global heroId heroId = 0 def walk(): global heroId if heroId == 0: heroId = 1 def moveHero(x,y): global heroPos heroPos[0] = heroPos[0] + x heroPos[1] = heroPos[1] + y updateHeroPos(1000 * 0.9) time.sleep(1) def moveLeft(): moveHero(-1, 0) def moveRight(): moveHero(1, 0) def moveUp(): moveHero(0, -1) def moveDown(): moveHero(0, 1) def checkLose(): global mp, heroPos for i in range(len(mp)): if heroPos[0] == mp[i][0] and heroPos[1] == mp[i][1]: return False lose() return True def checkWin(): global mp,heroPos n = len(mp) - 1 if heroPos[0] == mp[n][0] and heroPos[1] == mp[n][1]: win() return True return False def lose(): stand() loseTf.show() delay(reset, 2000) def win(): stand() global mpId mpId = mpId + 1 winTf.show() delay(reset, 2000) def run(cmds): numTf2.change("输入指令个数:" + str(len(cmds))) walk() global isRunning isRunning = True #print('hello',cmds) n = len(cmds) i = 0 c = 0 zm = "零一二三四五六七八九十" while i < n and i >= 0: char = cmds[i] if char in "左←L": moveLeft() elif char in "右→R": moveRight() elif char in "上↑U": moveUp() elif char in "下↓D": moveDown() elif char in zm: if c == zm.index(char): i = i + 1 elif char.isdigit(): i = int(char) - 1 elif char in "目标T": if checkWin(): return elif char in "清C": c = -1 c = c + 1 if checkLose(): return; i = i + 1 if not checkWin(): lose() def onStart(): global isInput, isRunning if isRunning: return isInput = True #print("onStart") isInput = False def loop(): global isInput,cmds,heroId for sp in hero: sp.hide() hero[heroId].show() if heroId != 0: heroId = heroId + 1 if heroId == len(hero): heroId = 1 if isInput: isInput = False cmds = input("指令") run(cmds) def showAnswer(): answerTf.show() runBtn.tap = onStart ansBtnTf.tap = showAnswer reset()