from xdf import * from math import * W = 768 H = 1024 CX = W / 2 CY = H / 2 ps = [] ls = [[0,1],[0,3],[0,4], [1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [4,5], [5,1]] r = 64 R = 256 cur = None isOver = False isMoving = False y0 = 10 ps.append([CX, CY]) for i in range(5): ang = pi*i*2/5-pi ps.append([CX - R * sin(ang), CY + R * cos(ang)]) pass for a in ls: line(ps[a[0]][0], ps[a[0]][1], ps[a[1]][0], ps[a[1]][1]) pass for a in ps: circle(a[0], a[1], r, "white", "black") pass thief = [ circle(ps[1][0], ps[1][1], r, "white", "black"), circle(ps[1][0], ps[1][1], r, "white", "red"), text("小偷", ps[1][0], ps[1][1] + y0, 30, "center"), 1 ] police = [ circle(ps[0][0], ps[0][1], r, "white", "black"), circle(ps[0][0], ps[0][1], r, "white", "red"), text("警察", ps[0][0], ps[0][1] + y0, 30, "center"), 0 ] winTf = text("游戏结束","red","center", W / 2, 100, 50) AI = None def chooseAI(): global AI a = input("选择角色,1、小偷,2、警察") if a and a == "1": AI = police else: AI = thief setTurn(thief) pass def setTurn(v): global cur if v == thief: cur = thief thief[1].show() police[1].hide() else: cur = police thief[1].hide() police[1].show() if AI == cur: aiTurn() pass def move(v, i, dt=0): a = ps[i] v[0].move(a[0], a[1], dt) v[1].move(a[0], a[1], dt) v[2].move(a[0], a[1] + y0, dt), v[3] = i pass def reset(): global AI,isMoving AI = None isMoving = False winTf.hide() move(thief, 1) move(police, 0) chooseAI() def tap(): global isOver, AI, isMoving if isOver: isOver = False reset() return if not AI: return if isMoving: return if cur == AI: return for i in range(len(ps)): a = ps[i] dx = x - a[0] dy = y - a[1] if dx * dx + dy * dy < r * r and canMove(cur, i): move(cur, i, 300) checkWin() break pass pass def canMove(c, i): if not inLine(i, c[3]): return False if c == thief and police[3] == i: return False return True def inLine(a, b): for c in ls: if (c[0] == a and c[1] == b) or (c[0] == b and c[1] == a): return True return False def checkWin(): global isOver,isMoving if police[3] == thief[3]: winTf.show() isOver = True else: isMoving = True delay(swapTurn, 500) pass def swapTurn(): global isMoving isMoving = False setTurn(police if cur == thief else thief) def aiTurn(): delay(aiTap, 2000) def getAllPath(c): arr = [] for i in range(len(ps)): if canMove(c, i): arr.append(i) return arr def choosePos(arr, b, i): if len(arr) == 1: return arr[0] aa = [] for a in arr: d = dm[i][a] if b: if d == 0: return a if d == 2 and a == 0: return a if d == 2: aa.append(a) if len(aa) > 0: return aa[random(len(aa)) - 1] return arr[random(len(arr)) - 1] def aiTap(): arr = getAllPath(AI) other = police if AI==thief else thief p = choosePos(arr, AI==police, other[3]) move(AI, p, 300) checkWin() pass dm = [[0,1,2,1,1,2],[1,0,1,2,2,1],[2,1,0,1,2,2],[1,2,1,0,1,2],[1,2,2,1,0,1],[2,1,2,2,1,0]] reset()